#4 - How to team up with (rather than work against) time

Are you a time optimist? Many entrepreneurs tend to be. The main (and most common) symptom is holding the sincere belief that there is always room for that extra piece of work. 

This belief in time-bending is a very helpful trait. It enables you as an entrepreneur to dare to say yes! and to use those spare minutes which most other people lose. 

But the day has a set number of hours. Even if the night is included, there are only 24 hours and alas, some need to be spent on mundane things such as sleeping. 

Befriending time

The entrepreneurs I coach arrange their own schedules, the point here being that they not only can, but have to do this in order to avoid being trapped by the “I’ll just add this extra little bit in my calendar as well.” You need to stay on top of your time management to ensure you use your hours wisely.

Combining action orientation with a sense of being able to press in just a little bit more before a meeting gets a lot done but often leaves entrepreneurs with a feeling of emptiness at the end of the day. One of my clients told me that at the end of the day she often thought: “all that work and still I didn’t have time to do this or that...” 

Where to start?

Learning the difference between hurry and importance helps you spend your time doing the right things as opposed to just doing as many things as possible. 

Look at how you manage your time and set clear priorities. You probably have a lot of ambitions, otherwise you would not be an entrepreneur. To remain highly efficient in a sustainable way, you need to prioritize the tasks which align best with your goals and values.

The red thread

As you can see from this post, as well as from the previous ones, sometimes the most common traits of entrepreneurs are also often their most common challenges. 

There are plenty of other examples as well, apart from the ones we discussed already. For example, the ability to think outside the box. Sometimes, this strength needs to be balanced with a self-built framework that allows you to use that lateral thinking in a way that is efficient and clear. 

This is why working on yourself should be a priority in the schedule as well. Working on yourself is part of working on your business. 

Do you have any questions, would you like to know more, or you would like to simply get in touch? Email us at info@guldkanten.com

Have you missed the previous blog post? You can find it here: #3 - How to create a personal and business growth synergy

Check out the next blog post from this series for entrepreneurs: #5 - Why entrepreneurs need to be selfish - in the good way