#3 - How to create a personal and business growth synergy

Most entrepreneurs rightly believe that their aim is to expand their business. However, few realize that as the business grows, it might outgrow your sphere of competency. That is when many begin to struggle. Adapting to these new demands is not easy.

The novel challenges of a successful entrepreneur

As a start-up going from a solo entrepreneur to becoming an employer puts new demands on your ability to express your thoughts, organize processes, and make decisions. 

As your company grows you reach a point where you can no longer be an active part of each decision being made and therefore you need to replace your own presence with trust in the people you have hired and trust in the way you implement your company values in the organization.

No company growth without personal growth

This is a challenging personal journey. Because it is not only about growing the company, but also about growing yourself. The new situations you will encounter will reveal your beliefs about yourself and others. In order to see what is blocking the way and adapt your mindset, you as an entrepreneur need time and a safe space to question old truths and experiment with new ones. 

During many coaching sessions with entrepreneurs I had to challenge them and support them in shifting their mindset. This was the key to unlocking the entrepreneur’s ability to see where they are blocking themselves and/or his employees. There are many challenges ahead: overcoming your fear of hiring people who know more than you do in certain areas, and overcoming your fear of allowing them to make decisions which influence your company, just to name two.

Work on growing as a person! Don’t let  your company and the demands it will place on you outgrow you. Set time aside for your personal development journey today to stay on top of things!

Do you have any questions, would you like to know more, or you would like to simply get in touch? Email us at info@guldkanten.com

Have you missed the previous blog post? You can find it here: #2 - Rethinking finances as an entrepreneur 

Check out the next blog post from this series for entrepreneurs: #4 - How to team up with (rather than work against) time